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    Date of last update: 2024.05.08 Terms

    General Terms and Conditions


    The contract made on the basis of this document will not be recorded (it will not be accessible afterwards, the conclusion of the contract is evidenced by the order data). It will be concluded only in electronic form, it is not a written contract (juridical act is performed by implied conduct), it is written in English and it does not refer to a code of conduct. If you have questions about the operation of the webshop and your order process, please contact us via the contact details provided.

    The effect of this General Terms and Conditions extends to the contractual relationships of the provider’s
    ( and subdomains. This „general terms and conditions” is available on the following webpage:

    and can be downloaded and printed via the following link:


    User: Any natural or legal person or organization that uses the services of the Service Provider shall enter into a contract with the Service Provider.

    Consumer: A User who is a natural person acting outside his or her profession, self-employment or business.

    Business: A person pursuing an occupation, self-employment or business.

    Provider: A natural or legal person or an entity without legal personality providing an information society service, which provides a service to the User and concludes a contract with the User.


    Name of the Service Provider: Tábori Katalin e.v.
    Registered Office (and official place of raising claims): 8200 Veszprém, CSERHÁT LAKÓTELEP ép.: 4 lp.: C em.: 4 ajtó: 18. 
    Contacts of the Provider and the regularly used electronic mailing address for contacting users: 
    Company number: 58588231
    Tax number: 48286457-1-39
    Name of the registry authority: NAV
    Telephone number: +36701705679
    Language of contract: English
    Name and address of the domain provider:
    SG Hosting Inc. Alexandria, VA (USA) 700 N. Fairfax St, Suite 614 Alexandria, 22314 VA +1 800 828 9231 +44 800 862 0280,


    2.1. Issues not regulated in the current Articles and the interpretation of These Articles are the points of the present Terms of Use and Conditions are governed by Hungarian law, with particular regard to the provisions of Act V of 2013 of the Hungarian Civil Code (“Civil Code”) on certain aspects of electronic commerce services and information society services from the 2001 Act CVIII (E-commerce law) and the detailed regulations on consumer-business contracts of Government Decree 45/2014. (II. 26.). The mandatory provisions of the relevant legislation shall apply to the Parties, without any special clause.

    2.2. These Articles are the points of the present Terms of Use and Conditions are effective since 11th October 2023 and remain in force until revocation. The Service Provider has the right to unilaterally amend the Articles (circumstances that may lead to change: change in shipping cost, change in legislation, business interest, changes in company). The Service Provider publishes the modifications on the website, and registered/prior customers are notified of the modifications via email. The modifications do not affect previously concluded contracts, the changes are not retroactive.

    2.3. The Service Provider reserves all rights in connection with the content and dissemination of the website and webpages.  It is absolutely forbidden to download, store (electronically), process, or sell any content published in the website or any aspect of the content without the written consent of the Service Provider.


    3.1. The User is obliged to provide his/her real data at the time of purchase/registration. In the event of false or personally identifiable information provided during purchase/registration, the resulting electronic contract will be considered void. The Service Provider disclaims any liability if the User makes use of its services on behalf of another person with the data of another person.

    3.2. The Service Provider shall not be liable for delivery delays or other problems or errors due to incorrect and/or inaccurate data provided by the User. However, the Service Provider informs users that, after a consultation with the User and the clear identification of the User, incorrectly entered data in the order can be corrected to ensure successful billing and fulfilment.

    3.3. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the User's forgetting his/her password or the access of unauthorized persons for any reason not attributable to the Service Provider (if registered on the site).


    4.1. Displayed services can only be ordered online. The prices displayed for the services are in EUR and include the statutory VAT, if the Service Provider invoices without VAT, the prices are the amounts to be paid. However, they do not include home delivery charges. No separate packaging costs will be charged.

    4.2. In the web shop, the Service Provider provides the name, description, photo (if possible) of the services. 

    4.3. If there is a service on sale, the Service Provider should inform the User about the sale and its exact duration.

    4.4. If the wrong price is displayed on the website – despite the due diligence of the Service Provider – and the price is obviously incorrect, the Service Provider is not required to confirm the service at the wrong price, especially if there is a significant difference. For example, if the price is set at EUR 0 or EUR 0.01 because of a system error, then the Service Provider shall not be obliged to deliver the service at the incorrect price, but may offer the delivery at the correct price, in the knowledge of which the Customer may refuse to make the purchase. In accordance with the case law of the Hungarian judiciary, a significant difference is generally considered to be a deviation of at least 50% in a positive or negative direction from the market value of the given service. However, consumers are informed that the concept of striking value imbalance (Section 6:98 of the Civil Code) is not precisely defined by law.

    4.5. In the case of a defective price as described in Section 4.4, there will be a noticeable mismatch between the true and the indicated price of the service that the average consumer will immediately notice. Pursuant to Act V of the Civil Code of 2013 (Civil Code), the contract shall be created by the mutual and unanimous expression of the will of the parties. If the parties are unable to agree on the terms of the contract, i.e. there is no mutually agreed statement on the will of the parties, it is not possible to speak of a valid contract that would give rise to rights and obligations. On this basis, an order that has been confirmed at the wrong/erroneous price is considered to be null and void.


    Only an adult individual can subscribe to the service. Only a parent or guardian can register on the site with their own email address. Only a parent or guardian can subscribe to the courses. The account created with the email address of the parent/guardian can be used by the minor user. An account can only be used by one user. An account can only have a subscription. If you want to subscribe to several courses, you must create a separate account with a separate email address for each subscription.

    5.1. After the registration you will be able to sign in to the website/ or you can start shopping without registration.

    5.2. The user places the selected products, course in the basket.

    5.3. Users can view the basket content at any time by clicking the "basket" icon.

    5.4. Only one course can belong to an account. If someone wants to subscribe to more courses, it is necessary to create additional accounts. Only one account can be created with one email address. To create additional accounts, separate email addresses are required.

    5.5. Credit card, bank card, iDEAL, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. Payment methods are subject to change. Subscription is processed through WooPayments. Subscribers have the option to securely save their card data, allowing the system to automatically deduct the subscription fee.

    5.6. Once you have entered the data, you can submit your order by clicking on the "Sign up now" button.

    5.7. The User acknowledges, with the order, that according to Government Decree 45/2014 (II. 26.) Article 15, and other conditions (e.g., Section 20), a payment obligation arises with the order.

    5.8. Correcting Input Bugs: The user can return to the previous phase before completing the order process, where he can correct the input data. In detail: When ordering, it is possible to view or modify the content of the basket, if the basket does not contain the quantity to be ordered, in the input field in the quantity column, User can enter the quantity to be ordered and press "update basket" button. If you want to delete a user from the items in the basket, click the "X - delete" button. During the order, the User has a continuous opportunity to correct / delete the inputs.

    5.9. The user/customer gets an email of confirmation after sending the order, which does not give rise to contract. If this e-mail does not arrive within an expectable deadline –depending on the profile of the service- or at latest within 48 hours, the user is relived of the bid fixity or contractual duty. The order and the confirmation of the order can be considered „arrived” to the
    Provider or to the User, when it is reachable for them. The Provider excludes the blame of confirmation, if the confirmation does not arrive in time because the user/customer has given wrong email address, or can not receive messages because the account’s storage is full.

    5.10. Scope of Use

    Registration on our website is limited to adult private individuals only.Only adult private individuals are allowed to subscribe to ourcourses. Parents or guardianscan register on the site with their own email address. Parents or guardians can subscribe to the website’s courses. The account created with the email address of the parent/guardian may be used by an underage user.
    Underage users can use the site through their parent/guardian's account. It is forbidden to transfer the use of the account to other individuals. 
    Each account must only be used by a single user. Each account is limited to one course subscription.To subscribe to multiple courses, you must create separate accounts, each associated with a unique email address.
    When a parent or guardian subscribes to our services, they may allow a minor to use the account. However, it is essential to note that, in accordance with our terms and conditions, the account's use by a minor must not extend to providing access to other individuals. The sharing of account access with third parties is strictly prohibited and constitutes a violation of our terms of use.

    5.11. Dispute Resolution and Refunding

    The users acknowledge that upon starting the subscription, they lose their right to withdrawal.
    If a user wishes to switch courses, they may request the change via email.
    Our courses fall under the classification of digital content which is not supplied on a tangible medium. Users acknowledge that by subscribing they lose their right to withdrawal.
    based on the following:“supply of digital content which is not supplied on a tangible medium if the performance has begun with the consumer’s prior express consent and his acknowledgment that he thereby loses his right of withdrawal”.
    The user acknowledges that they are not eligible for a refund. 
    “The 14-day cooling off period does not apply to online digital content, if you have already started using the content and you agreed that you would lose your right of withdrawal by starting the performance. You acknowledge that by subscribing to our courses you lose your right of withdrawal.”
    See more in different languages:

    5.12. Payment and Subscription

    Subscribers can save their card data and the system automatically deducts the monthly subscription fee. Our website does not store the customer’s credit card number and security codes. The payment gateway shares this information directly with the payment processor. For further information:
    Subscription fees are processed through WooPayments.Possible payment methods are credit card, bank card, iDEAL, Apple Pay, Google Pay. Payment methods are subject to change.
    It is possible to manually transfer the user to another course if they sign up for the wrong course.
    The user can see the date of the next monthly subscription deduction under the menu item My Account under Subscriptions.
    Users can cancel the subscription at any time. Users can manage their subscriptions in the My Account menu item under Subscriptions.
    Upon cancelling a subscription, the course remains accessible for the duration of the remaining subscription period.
    It is possible to modify the payment data in the My Account menu item under Payment methods.

    5.12.1. Automatic Recurring Payments

    In the case of automatically recurring payments, the system automatically deducts the monthly fee for the course. Manage and check data under My Account Subscriptions. 
    Multiple currencies are accepted on the website. Please select the one that suits you best.

    5.12.2. Failed Payment

    If the monthly course fee is not paid on the payment due date, the system will attempt to deduct the amount again after 24 hours. In the event of an unsuccessful withdrawal, the system will attempt to withdraw the amount again in 24 hours. 
    Following the fifth unsuccessful payment, the user's access to the course is revoked.
    If this happens and you want to access the course again, please contact customer service.
    If the first withdrawal attempt fails, the user will receive an email notification 48 hours later regarding the unsuccessful payment. If necessary, please change your payment information in the My Account menu item.

    5.12.3. Price Change

    Before the scheduled price change comes into effect, we provide our Consumers with a 30-day advance notice via email. By continuing to use our services following the implementation of the new pricing, you are indicating your acceptance of the updated rates. If you choose not to accept the new pricing, you may communicate your decision by cancelling the service.

    5.13. Deletion of Data

    Users can request the deletion of their accounts via email upon special request.

    5.14. Security and Data Privacy

    5.14.1. Identifiable information

    Do NOT share any personally identifiable information about minors. 
    The courses include online practice. There is no live or online class with a teacher. Completed tasks are automatically checked.
    Do not enter the name of a minor in the Username field during registration.

    5.14.2. Personal Data in Tasks

    Two types of tasks require enhanced security and data privacy measures due to personally identifiable information.
    1.    Essay-type Tasks. Essays are checked by Grammarly Text Editor SDK. We ask our users to never write any type of personal data in essay-type tasks. Grammarly Text Editor SDKtreats customer data the following: “Grammarly does not store text processed by the Text Editor SDK unless the end user connects their own Grammarly account.” (
    2.    Speech Assessment Taks. Audio materials are not stored after pronunciation practice. Self-Learn English partners with SpeechSuper to provide speech assessment. SpeechSuper treats Customer Data the following: “SpeechSuper is committed to safeguarding the privacy of data and ensuring compliance with applicable data protection laws. Upon completion of audio analysis, all audio data submitted by users will be promptly and irreversibly discarded from SpeechSuper's systems.”

    5.14.3. Account Restriction

    The user account can only be used by one person at a time. Only one course can belong to one account. For security reasons, the user must log out of their account after use.

    5.15. Website Security Safeguards

    The website is hosted on SG Hosting Inc.'s servers.
    Please find how we secure our website here:

    5.16. Disclaimer

    The website cannot be held responsible for any errors in the course material.
    The website is not liable for any errors in the course material.
    In case a user encounters an error, please report it via email.
    The content of this website’s courses is for practice. Using the content of this page does not guarantee successful exam results.
    In no event will the website, its owners, administrators, or content providers be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use our courses or website. This includes, but is not limited to, loss of data, profits, or interruptions in business operations.
    We reserve the right to modify course content, schedules, or any other aspects of our services without prior notice. We may add, remove, or update course materials at our discretion.
    It is your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of your account and to ensure the accuracy and security of the information you provide. You are responsible for any actions taken through your account.

    5.17. Known Issues

    This section outlines certain known issues, limitations, or potential challenges related to our service. By using our service, you acknowledge and accept the following:
    Bug Reporting: The website may contain occasional bugs or errors. We strive to resolve these issues promptly, but they may impact your user experience.
    Compatibility: The website may not be compatible with all operating systems, browsers, or devices. Compatibility issues could affect performance.
    Data Loss: In rare cases, using our website may result in data loss. 
    Downtime: Periodic maintenance and updates may lead to temporary service downtime. We aim to minimize disruptions.
    Limited Features: Some features of our website may not be fully functional or available in all regions.
    Feedback: We encourage users to report any unknown issues or problems to our customer support team at
    The website can be accessed from a personal computer, laptop or tablet with a browser capable of running JavaScript. The small screen of the phone can make studying difficult. 
    By subscribing to use our courses, you acknowledge and agree to the above limitations. 

    5.18. Newsletter Data

    The site offers the option of subscribing to a newsletter. When signing up, we only store the subscriber’s email address. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter any time by sending a response email. When unsubscribing, the email address will be deleted. We do not share the email address with third parties. The emails are sent for commercial purposes, including updates on upcoming courses and promotions.

    5.19. Media Coverage Clause

    The content and information available on this website are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. No media organization or individual journalist, reporter, or writer may publish or write about this website or its contents, including but not limited to articles, reviews, or other media coverage, without the express written consent of the website owner. To request permission for media coverage, please contact us at


    6.1. Orders are processed during opening hours. In addition to the times specified for processing the order, it is possible to place the order after the end of the working day and it will then be processed the next day. The Service Provider's customer service will always confirm by electronic means when the order can be fulfilled.

    6.2.    The general deadline for delivery is within a few minutes. 

    6.3. According to the contract of sale, the Service Provider shall transfer the ownership of the product and the User shall pay the purchase price and receive the product.

    6.4. If the seller is an enterprise and the buyer is a consumer and the seller undertakes to deliver the item to the buyer, the risk of damage passes to the buyer when the buyer or designated third party takes possession of it. The risk of loss shall pass to the buyer upon purchase if the courier has been instructed by the buyer, unless the courier is recommended by the seller.

    6.5. If the seller is an enterprise, and the buyer is a consumer, for lack of a distinct agreement of the signatories, the seller (based on this GTC: Service Provider) is obligated to make available the product for the buyer (User), after the conclusion of the contract, but in no more than 30 days.

    6.6. If the product is not provided in time by the Service Provider, the User has the right to set a deadline for a replacement. If the seller fails to perform within the grace period, the buyer is entitled to cancel the contract.

    6.7. The User is entitled to withdraw from the contract without specifying an additional term, if

    a) the Service Provider has refused to perform the contract; or

    b) the contract should have been performed in accordance with the agreement of the parties or due to the recognizable purpose of the service, within a specified period of time and not otherwise.

     6.8. If the Service Provider cannot accomplish the contractual obligation because the product/or any of its components was not available, the Service Provider is obliged to inform the User right away and to refund the sum paid by the User at once.


    7.1. According to the directive 2011/83/ EU of the European Parliament and Commission, regarding rules of contracts between customers and enterprises (Gov. Degree 45/2014) (II.26), the Consumer shall have no right of withdrawal in the case of a non-prefabricated product which has been manufactured at the consumer's request or at the express request of the Consumer, or which is clearly personalised for the Consumer.

    7.2. The Consumer may also not exercise their right of withdrawal with respect to:

    a) a contract for the provision of a service, after the performance of the service has been completed in its entirety, where the Business has begun performance with the Consumer 's express prior consent, and where the Consumer has acknowledged that they will lose their right of withdrawal;

    b) a product or service whose price or charge is subject to fluctuations in the financial market which are beyond the control of the Business, even within the time limit for exercising the right of withdrawal;

    c) perishable goods or items with a short shelf life;

    d) in the case of a sealed product which cannot be returned after opening after delivery for health or hygiene reasons;

    e) in respect of a product which, by its nature, is inextricably linked to another product after its transfer;

    f) for alcoholic beverages, the actual value of which depends on market fluctuations beyond the control of the undertaking and the price of which was agreed by the parties at the time of the conclusion of the contract of sale but which is not performed until 30 days after the date of conclusion;

    g) in the case of a business contract where the Business, at the express request of the consumer, requests the Consumer to carry out urgent repair or maintenance work;

    h) for the sale or purchase of sealed audio and video recordings and computer software, where the Consumer has opened the packaging after delivery;

    i) newspapers, magazines and periodicals other than subscription contracts;

    j) in the case of contracts concluded at a public auction;

    k) in relation to a contract about the provision of accommodation other than for residential purpose, transport of goods, car rental services, catering or services related to leisure activities if the contract provides for a specific date or period of fulfilment;

    l) in the case of digital content not supplied on a tangible medium, where the Business has begun performance with the Consumer's express, prior consent and at the same time the Consumer has agreed to lose the right of withdrawal after commencement of performance.

    7.3. More information about the regulations detailing the contracts between the Consumer and the business in Gov. Degree 45/2014 (II. 26.) can be found here.

    7.4. More information about the 2011/83/EU directive of European Parliament and Commission can be found here.


    Defective performance

    The supplier fails to perform properly if the service does not meet the quality requirements set out in the contract or the law at the time of performance. The supplier did not fail to perform the service correctly if the receiver was aware of the error at the time of the conclusion of the contract or should have been aware of the error at the time of the conclusion of the contract.

    A contract between a Consumer and a Business shall be null and void if it derogates from the provisions of this Article concerning warranty and security to the detriment of the Consumer.

    Several warranty rights apply only to Users who qualify as Consumers under the Hungarian Civil Code.

    User as Business: A person who acts in the course of his/her trade, profession or business.

    Liability claim

    8.1. In what kind of situation can the User exercise his/her right for a liability claim?

    The User can exercise a liability claim against the Business, in the event of the improper fulfilment of the contract according to the rules of the Hungarian Civil Code.

    8.2. What kind of rights are the customers legal due according to the liability claim?

    The User may - at his or her choice - make use of the following accessory warranty claims: he or she may request repair or replacement, unless the fulfillment of the claim chosen by the User is impossible or would involve disproportionate additional costs for the company compared to the fulfillment of other demands. If you did not, or could not, request the repair or replacement, you may request a proportional reduction of the compensation or, as a last resort, you may withdraw from the contract. You can switch from your chosen accessory warranty right to another one, but the cost of the switch is borne by the User, unless it was justified or the company provided a reason for it.

    The consumer is also entitled - in accordance with the severity of the breach of contract - to request a proportionate delivery of compensation or to terminate the sales contract if

    a) the company did not carry out the repair or replacement, or did it, but did not carry out partial or complete decommissioning and re-commissioning, or refused to make the goods conform to the contract;

    b) a repeated performance error occurred, despite the fact that the company attempted to make the goods conform to the contract;

    c) the performance error is so serious that it justifies an immediate price reduction or the immediate termination of the sales contract; obsession

    d) the business did not undertake to make the goods conform to the contract, or it is obvious from the circumstances that the business will not make the goods conform to the contract within a reasonable period of time or without significant damage to the consumer's interests.

    If the consumer wishes to terminate the sales contract citing faulty performance, the company bears the burden of proving that the fault is insignificant.

    The consumer is entitled to withhold the remaining part of the purchase price - depending on the severity of the breach of contract - in whole or in part, until the company fulfills its obligations related to the conformity of the performance with the contract and defective performance.

    The reasonable deadline for repairing or replacing the goods shall be counted from the time when the consumer notified the company of the defect.

    The consumer must make the goods available to the company in order to complete the repair or replacement.

    The company must ensure the return of the exchanged goods at its own expense. If the repair or replacement requires the removal of goods that were put into operation in accordance with the nature and purpose of the goods - before the defect became detectable - then the obligation to repair or replace includes the removal of the non-conforming goods and the commissioning of the replaced or repaired goods placing or bearing the costs of removal or commissioning. 

    Delivery of compensation is proportionate if its amount is equal to the difference between the value of the goods owed to the consumer in the case of contractual performance and the value of the goods actually received by the consumer.

    The consumer's right to terminate the sales contract can be exercised with a legal statement addressed to the company expressing the decision to terminate.

    If the defective performance affects only a specific part of the goods supplied under the sales contract, and the conditions for exercising the right to terminate the contract exist in respect of them, the consumer may terminate the sales contract only with regard to the defective goods, but also with respect to any other goods acquired together with them may terminate it if the consumer cannot reasonably be expected to keep only goods that conform to the contract.

    If the consumer terminates the sales contract in its entirety or with respect to a part of the goods supplied under the sales contract, then

    a) the consumer must return the affected goods to the enterprise at the expense of the enterprise; and

    b) the company must immediately reimburse the consumer the purchase price paid for the goods concerned, as soon as it has received the goods or the certificate supporting the return of the goods.

    8.3. What is the deadline for the customer to exercise the liability claim?

    The customer is liable to report the defect immediately after recognition, but within two months of recognition. However, please note that the User will no longer be able to enforce their liability claim beyond the two-year limitation period (one year for businesses).

    8.4. Who can the liability claim be made against?

    Customers can enforce the liability claim against the Service Provider.

    8.5. What kind of other conditions must be met to enforce the liability claim (if the User is classified as a Customer)?

    Within 1 year from the date of delivery, there is no other condition for enforcing your liability claim unless the User proves that the product or service was provided by the company operating the webshop. However, after 1 year have passed from the date of performance, the User shall be required to prove that the error recognised by the User was present at the time of performance.

    Product warranty

    8.6. In what cases can the Consumer exercise his product warranty right and what rights does the Consumer have based on his product warranty claim?

    In the event of a defect in a movable object, the Consumer may - at his choice - exercise his accessory warranty right or assert a product warranty claim in accordance with the rules of the Civil Code.

    As a product warranty claim, the Consumer can request the repair or replacement of the defective product.

    8.7. Who can you assert your product warranty claim against?

    You can exercise your product warranty rights against the manufacturer or distributor of the product (hereafter: manufacturer).

    8.8. In which case is the product considered defective?

    The product is defective if it does not meet the quality requirements in force at the time it was placed on the market, or if it does not have the properties described by the manufacturer.

    8.9. In what time frame can the Consumer assert his product warranty claim?

    The Consumer can assert his product warranty claim within two years of the product being placed on the market by the manufacturer. After this deadline, you will lose this right.

    8.10. What evidentiary rule applies in the event of a product warranty claim?

    In the case of asserting a product warranty claim, you must prove that the product defect existed at the time the manufacturer placed it on the market.

    8.11. In what cases is the manufacturer exempt from product warranty obligations?

    The manufacturer is released from its product warranty obligation if it can prove that

    - the product was not manufactured or marketed as part of its business activities, or

    - the defect could not be recognized according to the state of science and technology at the time of placing it on the market, or

    - the defect of the product results from the application of legislation or mandatory official regulations.

    It is sufficient for the manufacturer to prove a reason for exemption.

    Please note that due to the same defect, the Consumer can assert a claim for the product warranty against the company and against the manufacturer at the same time, parallel to each other. If your product warranty claim is successfully asserted, you can assert your accessory warranty claim for the replaced product or the part of the product affected by the repair only against the manufacturer.


    9.1. In the contract of the Consumer and the Business, the agreement cannot differ to the disadvantage of the Consumer.

    9.2. It is the duty of the Consumer to prove the conclusion of the contract (by invoice or by receipt).

    9.3. The Service Provider is responsible for costs in connection with the fulfilment of warranty. (PTK. 6:6166§)

    9.4. The ServiceProvider shall write a record concerning the requirement of the guarantee and warranty of the customer.

    9.5. The copy of the record should be send immediately and made available to the customer.

    9.6. If the Service Provider is not able to declare the fulfilment of the consumer's warranty or warranty claim upon notification, the Service Provider shall inform the consumer of its position within five working days in a verifiable manner, including the reason for rejection and the possibility of recourse to the conciliation body.

    9.7. The Service Provider shall keep the report for three years from the date of its recording and present it at the request of the audit authority.

    9.8. The Service Provider shall endeavour to carry out the repair or replacement within a maximum of fifteen days. If the duration of the repair or replacement exceeds 15 days, the Service Provider is obliged to inform the consumer about the expected duration of the repair or replacement. The information shall be provided with the consumer's prior consent, by electronic means or by any other means suitable for the consumer's receipt.


    10.1. The Service Provider is entitled to use a contributor to fulfil its obligation. It is liable for its unlawful conduct as if it had committed the unlawful conduct itself.

    10.2. The invalidity, illegality or unenforceability of any part of these Articles shall not affect the validity, legality or enforceability of the remainder.

    10.3. Failure by the Service Provider to exercise its right under this Policy shall not constitute a waiver of such right. The waiver of any right is subject to express written notice to that effect. The fact that the Service Provider does not strictly adhere to one of the material terms or conditions of the Code once does not mean that it waives the obligation to adhere to that particular condition or clause in the future.

    10.4. The Service Provider and Consumer should try to resolve the case out of court.

    10.5. The Parties state that the Service Provider's webshop operates in Hungary and maintains it here. Because the site is accessible from other countries, users expressly acknowledge that the applicable law between the user and the Service Provider is Hungarian law. If the User is a Consumer, Pp. 26. § (1) the court of the defendant's domicile has exclusive jurisdiction over the Consumer in disputes arising from this contract.

    10.6. The Service Provider does not apply different general access conditions for access to the products in the webshop for reasons related to the nationality, domicile or place of establishment of the User.

    10.7. The Service Provider does not apply different conditions to the payment transaction regarding the payment methods accepted by the User due to the nationality, domicile or place of residence of the User, the account location of the payment account, the place of establishment of the payment service provider or the place of issue of the cash substitute payment instrument within the EU.

    10.8. The Service Provider complies with the requirements of the Internal Market on grounds of unjustified territorial restriction of content and other forms of discrimination based on the nationality, place of residence or place of establishment of the buyer, as well as Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Regulation (EU) 2017/2394 as well as 2009/22. REGULATION (EC) No 2018/302 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL.


    11.1. The purpose of our website is to fulfil all orders in good quality and to the customer's full satisfaction. If the User still has any complaints regarding the contract or its performance, he/she may submit his/her complaint to the above telephone, email address or letter.

    11.2. The Service Provider shall promptly investigate the oral complaint and remedy it as necessary. If the Consumer disagrees with the handling of the complaint, or the complaint is not immediately investigated, the Service Provider shall promptly record the complaint and its position regarding the complaint and provide a copy thereof to the Consumer.

    11.3. The Service Provider shall respond in writing within 30 days. It shall state the reasons for its rejection of the complaint. A record of the complaint and a copy of the response shall be retained by the Service Provider for a period of five years and shall be provided to the control authorities upon request.

    11.4. You are informed that in the event of your complaint being rejected, your complaint may be initiated by an official or conciliation body as follows:

    11.5. The Consumer may lodge a complaint with the Hungarian Consumer Protection Authority:

    Based on Government Decree 387/2016. (XII. 2.), the district office and the county office of the county seat are the first instance in administrative administrative matters, while the Pest County Government Office handles national jurisdiction at second instance. Contact details of district offices:

    11.6. In the event of a complaint, the Consumer has the option of contacting a conciliation body which can be found at:

    Name of Arbitration Board

    The address of the seat of the Artibration Board Jurisdiction area

    Budapesti Békéltető Testület

    Budapesti Békéltető Testület
    Address: 1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 99., phone number: (1) 488-2131
    Fax number: (1) 488-2186
    President: Dr. Inzelt Éva Veronika Web:


    Baranya Vármegyei Békéltető Testület

    Baranya Vármegyei Békéltető Testület
    Address: 7625 Pécs, Majorossy Imre u. 36.
    phone number: (72) 507-154; (20) 283-3422
    Fax number: (72) 507-152
    President: Dr. Bércesi Ferenc

    Baranya county,

    Somogy county,

    Tolna county

    Vármegyei Békéltető Testület

    Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Vármegyei Békéltető Testület
    Address: 3525 Miskolc, Szentpáli u. 1.
    phone number: (46) 501-091 (új ügyek);
    501-871 (pending cases)
    President: Dr. Tulipán Péter

    Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county,

    Heves county,

    Nógrád county

    Csongrád-Csanád Vármegyei
    Békéltető Testület

    Csongrád-Csanád Vármegyei Békéltető Testület
    Address: 6721 Szeged, Párizsi krt. 8-12.
    phone number: (62) 554-250/118 Fax number: (62) 426-149
    President: Dr. Horváth Károly

    Békés county,

    Bács-Kiskun county,

    Csongrád-Csanád county

    Fejér Vármegyei Békéltető Testület

    Fejér Vármegyei Békéltető Testület
    Address: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Hosszúséta tér 4-6.
    phone number: (22) 510-310
    Fax number: (22) 510-312
    President: Dr. Vári Kovács József

    Fejér county,

    Komárom-Esztergom county,

    Veszprém county

    Győr-Moson-Sopron Vármegyei
    Békéltető Testület

    Győr-Moson-Sopron Vármegyei Békéltető Testület
    Address: 9021 Győr, Szent István út 10/a.
    phone number: (96) 520-217
    President: Dr. Bagoly Beáta

    Győr-Moson-Sopron county,

    Vas county,

    Zala county

    Hajdú-Bihar Vármegyei
    Békéltető Testület

    Hajdú-Bihar Vármegyei Békéltető Testület
    Address: 4025 Debrecen, Petőfi tér 10.
    Place of administration: 4025 Debrecen Vörösmarty u. 13-15.
    phone number: (52) 500-710; (52) 500-745
    Fax number: (52) 500-720
    President: Dr. Hajnal Zsolt

    Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county,

    Hajdú-Bihar county,

    Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county

    Pest Vármegyei Békéltető Testület

    Pest Vármegyei Békéltető Testület
    Address: 1055 Budapest, Balassi Bálint u. 25. IV/2.
    phone number: +36 1 792 7881
    President: Dr. Koncz Pál

    Pest county

    11.7. The conciliation body is competent for the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes. It is the task of the conciliation body to attempt to reach a settlement between the parties for the purpose of resolving consumer disputes, failing which it will decide on the matter in order to ensure the simple, expeditious, effective and cost-effective enforcement of consumer rights. The conciliation body shall, at the request of the Consumer or the Service Provider, advise on the Consumer's rights and obligations.

    In the conciliation board procedure, in the absence of an agreement, the council is responsible for the merits of the case

    a) makes a binding decision if

    aa) the request is well-founded, and the enterprise - registered with the conciliation board or the chamber, or communicated in its commercial communications - pursuant to Article 36/C. in his general declaration of submission according to §, at the beginning of the procedure or at the latest until the decision is made, he recognized the decision of the conciliation board as binding on him, or

    ab) the business did not submit a declaration of submission, but the request is well-founded and the consumer's claim - neither in the request nor when the decision containing the obligation is made - does not exceed HUF two hundred thousand, or

    b) makes a recommendation if the request is well-founded, but the enterprise declared at the start of the procedure that it does not recognize the council's decision as an obligation, or if it did not declare its recognition of the council's decision at all.

    11.8. In the event of a cross-border consumer dispute arising out of an online sales or service contract, the arbitration body attached to the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry shall have sole jurisdiction.

    11.9. In the event of a consumer complaint, the Consumer may use the EU online dispute resolution platform. Accessing the platform requires a simple registration with the European Commission by clicking here. Then, after logging in, the Consumer can lodge a complaint through the online website:

    11.10. The Service Provider shall be obliged to cooperate in conciliation proceedings. In doing so, it is required to send its response letter to the conciliation body and to ensure the presence of the person entitled to reach a settlement at the hearing. Where the business or seat of the business is not established in the county in which the conciliation body operating the territorially competent body is located, the Business's obligation to cooperate shall include offering the possibility of a written settlement in accordance with the consumer's requirements.

    11.11. If the consumer does not seek recourse to a conciliation body or the procedure is unsuccessful, the consumer has the option of going to court.

    The lawsuit must be filed with a letter of formal notice containing

    the following information:

    • the court of law;

    • the names of the parties and representatives of the parties, their place of residence and legal status;

    • the right to enforce, by presenting the underlying facts and their evidence;

    • the data from which the jurisdiction and jurisdiction of the court can be established;

    • a definitive request for a court decision.

    The application must be accompanied by a document and a copy of it which is referred to as evidence.


    12.1.    Since is considered a copyrighted work of the site, it is forbidden to display the contents of downloading (copying), re-publishing, otherwise utilizing, electronically storing, processing and selling of the content or any part thereof without the written consent of the Service Provider.
    12.2.    No material may be transferred from and its database, even with written consent, by referring to that site.

    12.3. The Service Provider reserves all rights to all elements of its service, its domain names, their associated secondary domain names and internet advertising spaces.

    12.4.    IIt is prohibited to: adapt or reverse engineer the content of, or parts thereof; fraudulent creation of user IDs and passwords; use of any application to modify or index any or all of the

    12.5.    The name iis protected by copyright and may not be used except with the written permission of the Service Provider.

    12.6. The User acknowledges that in the event of unauthorised use the Service Provider shall be liable for damages. The amount of the penalty shall be HUF 60,000 gross per image and HUF 20,000 gross per word. In the event of a copyright infringement, the Service Provider's notarial certification is applied and this cost is also passed on to the infringing user.


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    Veszprém, 11th October 2023

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    Date of last update: 2024.05.08